It hard to believe in God and follow his rules.

Reflection based on 1 Kings 2.10-12, 3.3-14, Ephesians 5.15-20

People find it hard to accept that there is a God who is always with us. Yet people are happy to use clairvoyants, watch ghost hunters which highlight the supernatural, but cannot bring themselves to accept there is a supernatural being working for the good of all. Some people expect God to perform miracles when things go wrong and protect us from the evil in the World. But there is evil in the world which often seeks to harm us. Do we acknowledge that God is beside us when we are ill, guiding the doctors to cure us? Do we humble ourselves and accept that the way God want us to do things is not the way we want to do things? People get upset or refuse to do it God’s way because they think they know better; this usually results in them getting deeper into trouble. Humility is a difficult thing for most human beings, but it is important in acknowledging God and accepting his guidance in the things we do.

Many millions of people worship God, yet do not agree among themselves. Jewish, Muslim, and Christian religions all have the same cord faith. Although the life of Jesus Christ was meant to united believers’ people still fighting and bickering. When Muhammed started the Islamic faith, he like Jesus could not have imagined the conflict there would be within their own faith groups. All believe in the same God but many within these faiths do not practice the basic laws given to them. You should not kill another human being, plus love others and treat them as you wish to be treated has over the centuries been regularly ignored by many in the different faith groups. Attending worship, following and the wearing of garments is not always a sign that a person is following God’s laws. This problem goes back to the time God led his people out of Egypt. Moses was given laws which people still failed to follow.  

If we are to truly believe in God, we must follow his rules. Leaders of the different faiths and politicians ought to follow the example of David and Solomon in the early chapters of the books of Kings. The end of David’s reign is detailed in 1 Kings 2.10-12. What is surprising is the humility shown by Solomon in 1 Kings 3:5-12. Solomon’s prayer acknowledges God’s past action, kindness, steadfast love, and faithfulness He asks for the continuance of God’s favour. The language is that of Deuteronomy. The response is shown by the divine given wisdom. It is an expression of humility as he confesses his lack of experience, his lack of leadership qualities or ability to manage the country. A prayer we all need to make when carrying out our duties, but far too often pride stands in our way. It should be noted that both David and Solomon were not perfect and succumbed to temptation.

Acknowledging there is a God and following his commandments is a challenge for all. Are we willing to listen to God? The attitude of a heart or mind which listens to and obeys God is the foundation of all true wisdom. This results in a mind with a skill to listen, able to distinguish right and wrong and to decide and govern. Wisdom is the right understanding of reality and is the basis of moral and ethical life. It is expressed in the conduct of a life of fear or reverence to God.

Another challenging question is, are we willing to do it God’s way which may mean accepting we may have got it wrong? When the request of God’s people pleases him, they may receive much more. Plus, a wise and discerning mind, understanding to discern between good and evil are as essential to every individual serving God today as they were to Solomon. God said to Solomon, ‘Ask whatever you want?’ He asked for wisdom and guidance in how he led his people. Something lacking in many of the world’s politicians today. The Lord’s answer was to give him, long life, wealth, victory over enemies, honour, are typical marks of a great king.

Standing against the enemy can present us all with challenges when the enemy is our own thoughts and desires, so we need God’s help to deal with this. If we can be strengthened and win the battle in our inner being, then we will be able to stand firm against false ideas. We will be able to preserve our unity, control our speech, live lives of purity in a corrupt world, and sacrifice ourselves in love for each other as Jesus did for us. Frequently we are doing it because we ought to; but our hearts are not in, even though it is the way God wants us to go. We must set our selfishness aside and be willing to do it God’s way with all our heart and mind, only then can we start to feel the presence of God in our lives.  

In Ephesians 5.15-20 Paul says the church lives in vital union with Jesus, who has showered his gifts on us. Those ministering these gifts are on call 24-hour a day. We need to always be there for each other. Giving and receiving in the knowledge that God is present when we are worshipping and serving him. There is a special focus of this union with Jesus, that is, when we meet to worship, we can go on being filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18) and take onto our lips the words of thanksgiving which are so vital for us, but are we always fulfilling Jesus’ wishes? 

Paul encourages the Ephesians to understand what the Lord’s will is, this still applies today. When we acknowledge God in our lives then we can expect the evil in the world to attack us, because we are conscious of its presence. Paul says: the ruler of the kingdom of the air is in charge, the world around us is corrupt, and we live in a world under enemy occupation by the powers of evil. To him the whole universe was a battleground. The Christian had not only to contend with the attacks of men, but they also had to contend with the attacks of spiritual forces which were fighting against God. Wisdom and understanding are gained through Christ’s teaching ministries. Evil operates in our daily lives, and we can improve our defences when we worship God. When a group of Christians gathers for worship Jesus is with them helping them to grow in their spiritual strength.

Christian worship must be different from worship in many pagan temples and cults. To be different to the ways of the world we need to think how we do that. It must be corporate. The early Christians obviously used many songs known to all the members which they sang together. It must be joyful. Singing and music are to take place first and foremost in the heart and not simple in the throat, and always giving thanks. It is very striking how throughout the teaching in Ephesians Paul will not let worship be a compartment in people’s lives or separated from the rest of people’s time. It must be non-hierarchical. The whole church, all members are to worship in a state of mutual submission, that is, all are to be equally ready to receive from each other.

Churches today differ with different styles, but this has created confuse and conflict. Paul obviously describing the ideal as he saw it, the church needs to learn that this diversity can be used to help and encourage the church to grow in worship and outreach. How can we use all our time in God worship and work? Most of the week is spent busy at work or doing things not directly concerned with the Lord? But we can serve God in all we do. Accepting God is present in our live does mean making changes for the good of ourselves and others.

Finally, Paul comes to the greatest weapon of all and that is prayer. We note three things that he says about prayer. It must be constant, it must be intense, limp prayer never got a person anywhere. It must be unselfish. Often our prayers are too much on ourselves and not enough for others. We do have the assurance of God’s presence when we are praying, he knows our needs and concerns and will help us but not always in the way we expect and help often come from an unexpected source. God using all who believe in him in his work when we allow him to guide us. 

It can be hard for people to understand and feel God’s presence in their lives. However, when we open our hearts and mind allowing the Holy Spirit to enter our lives, we can feel God’s presence with us in so many ways. It is seen when one person helps another, it is seen in loving action to help people in need. When we worship, we can feel that he is present in the joy and happiness that come from worship. He is present when he led us and guides us in his service through the work of the Holy Spirit.


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